Things Are Still Going Great...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Dear Family,

Everything is still going very well with my new companion. I actually found out yesterday that Elder Smith thinks he has driven past our house before. The world truly is a small place.

Things have been going very well this week. We have found so many new people to work with. Yesterday we had 4 appointments, and all 4 of them held. Every single person we talked to was willing to set up another appointment, and a couple of them said that they would read from and pray about the Book of Mormon. There was one specific appointment last night that was so cool. We got there on time, but the ladies, Tina and Gina, were not home yet. Actually, they aren't just sisters, but they are twins. So, we went in and talked to their kids. Theirs is a dysfunctional household, but they are so funny. When they finally got there, we sat and talked for a little while. Then out of the blue, Tina said that she had a challenge for us. She wanted us to find something that related to her life and share it with her the next time we came by. Elder Smith just said, “We can do that now”. He then pulled out a wonderful scripture that has helped me a lot lately, 2 Nephi 4:16-35. When he started talking about it, she just burst into tears and told us that she had talked to God and told Him that if we were sent by Him, then we would be able to find a scripture that relates to her. It was so cool, and she is really excited to learn.

I can't believe that Mike is engaged. How is that possible? If I were to follow the same pattern, then two years from now, I will be engaged as well. That is just too fast for me, but it is exciting to here that he is doing well. I hope that everything turns out well for them. I had hoped that Mike would hold off getting married until I get back, but sadly that isn't how life works. At least, he found someone that was so very compatible with him.

The summer went by so fast. Things have just been speeding up every single transfer. By the time my last six months come around, it is just going to be a blur. It just helps me remember that I need to be doing my best every single day of my mission. It just seems like yesterday you guys were telling me that school was over. I hope that Levi is ready and excited for his junior year. I also hope that everything goes well with Dad's new classes that he will be teaching.

The sand volleyball went very well last week. The sand was rocky, but it was still really fun. We also played some soccer, but Elder Smith and I both ended up doing the splits on the wet grass. That was surprising for the both of us. Today, we aren't going up to Bloomington because we don't have the miles to make it up there. We are just going to have to find something fun to do around here.

I was looking through the EFY that you sent me, and I found a couple that I would like you to burn if you wouldn't mind. The first one is the EFY 1999 "A Season for Courage". The second is "The Best of EFY - 2004-2006". If you could do that for me, it would be greatly appreciated. There are some really good songs on those CD's.

I was wondering if Annie had changed her e-mail address. I sent her an e-mail a couple of weeks ago, and she hasn't replied yet. If you have a new one, maybe you could give it to me. If you guys also have her mailing address, I would like that as well.

Thanks for all that you guys do for me. The support is so very helpful.


Elder Savage

    Elder Colton Savage

    1805 ‘O’ St. #2

    Bedford, IN  47421