Columbus, Indiana
Monday, November 8, 2010
Dear Family,
Thing are going very well out here. Our investigators are doing great. Geneva is still working hard. She is still trying to quit smoking. I hate how Satan has perfected some of his tactics to grab onto people. I do know though that nothing is stronger than the power of the atonement. I just hope and pray that she will be able to do this. All we can do is help. She is a great lady. We have been finding some people to teach in the new ward. We found one guy, his name is Tim, he is a very large African American man who lives in the top part of a house split into apartments. It is a little strange going into his place. The ceilings of the place follow the couture of the roof of the house. He keeps it very hot. I don't understand how he can like it that hot. He is a great guy though.
The weather here has been wonderful. It has been chilly in the morning, but by the afternoon it isn't unbearable. Today is especially warm. It was nice to walk outside and feel comfortable. I am a little nervous about what the winter is going to be like though. I know that I can live through it, I've done it before, but that doesn't mean I liked it.
I have been looking through that college catalog, and I am going to send you a letter, snail mail, to tell you what to sign me up for. I will probably send it to Annie, and hopefully I will be able to get into all of the classes that I want to.
I hope that Levi enjoyed his Birthday. I can't believe that he is 18 now. How did he get that old. I remember him getting his driver’s license and thinking that he was old then. I guess that it is just a part of life. I was told (but you may want to look it up for yourself) that Texas Roadhouse was actually started here in Indiana. Just a little fact that I heard.
I remember my Success Academy days. Hopefully, they have all of the problems worked out of it and Braxton is up for the challenge. I don't know if I am up for the challenge to go back to school, but I am going to do it. I think that I am going to retake Math 1050 again to bring up my grade, and also to give myself a little practice before I try to take on Calculus. I hope that you were able to help Braxton with the work.
I just can't believe that I will be coming home in a couple of months. I don't know what I will do. Maybe, I will finally be able to find the time to clean and do productive things instead of just play around on the gaming systems all of the time. I have learned that there are much more important things to worry about in life than playing a game. I will have to have a couple of movie nights though. It will be fun to see some of the movies that I missed, and maybe we can have a game night. That would be fun!
We already have someone signed up to feed us for Thanksgiving. There are some great families here in Columbus. I really do like this city. It is a great one to serve in.
It will be fun to watch the Toy Story movies again. Those were always fun to see. I guess it will be a different experience seeing them on HD though, and I will have to watch Avatar. I have heard a lot about it. It is weird now to have newer missionaries coming out and telling me about all of the new things that I have never heard before. Time does keep moving by while we are out in our little missionary bubbles.
Well, thanks for everything. We did finally get our apartment problem worked out. Elder Kimball and I will be moving into the new apartment on the 16th of November. The problem is that it is on a Tuesday. By the time the next Monday comes around, it will be a week before Transfers, so then we have to worry about that. I may not be able to give you my address for a while, so just send anything that you want to over to the mission office and they will get it to us. Thanks for all that you do. I love you all so very much.
Elder Savage
Still Waiting on an Address Change...So, Use Mission Home Address:
Mission Home
Indiana Indianapolis Mission
1980 E 116th St STE 200
Carmel, IN 46032