This Humidity is Miserable

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Dear Family,


It is weird to hear how cold and miserable things have been back home, because it has been the opposite here the past couple of days. We had a few really big rainstorms during the past week, and then two or so days ago it got really warm, around 90 degrees. Well, here in Indiana that means a lot of humidity. The humidity is an odd thing. All I have to do is walk around with my backpack on, and I look like I just ran 2 miles. I have to carry a lot of water around with me to keep myself hydrated or I could have some problems. It feels like it is going to be a much hotter summer this year than last year. They told me that last summer was really mild. It sounds like we are going to have a lot of fun.


I heard about the Robin Hood movie. I think it sounds really cool, kind of like the story behind the story. Those movies are fun. It would be cool to check out some of the others you have been talking about as well.


So, the suit thing is a little weird. There is a lady who lives here in Terre Haute who tailors clothes. What I am hoping to do is to take my old suit pants into her and try to get them patched. Then, I will just have to use the gray ones for tracting pants. The problem is that my suit pants are a very dark, dark gray.  They are almost not gray at all, so if I were to wear the pants with my suit coat it would look like I had a two-tone suit. So, I will see what I can do with getting my pants fixed. Then, maybe we could get a new suit for next fall. When that happens, we don't have to buy a really expensive suit from some place like Mr. Mac’s. I was told that there are some stores where you can get a really nice suit for a lesser price. So, maybe we could do that.

I am going to try and send you some pictures of my shoes in the mail today so that you know what they look like. Then, you can see if you can find anything that looks like them.


That lady you are talking about is a really amazing lady. Her name is Tina. Well, this week her daughter, Cali, decided to ask her mom if she could get a copy of the Book of Mormon as well. Of course we gave her one, and now she is learning too. This past week we challenged Tina to get baptized, and she accepted. Then, on Sunday, Tina told us that Cali came up to her and asked if she could get baptized as well. Tina just decided that they were going to do it as a mother-daughter thing. We are really excited for them, and happy that we can help them learn of this gospel.


It sounds like you guys are going to have some fun around town today. Enjoy those IN-N-OUT Burgers for me.


It is really funny that you mentioned finding something to help Levi have a little more patience, well I have found the solution. If he doesn't learn patience while going on a mission, then I don't think that he will ever be able to learn patience in his life. This mission has blessed me with that knowledge. I now know how to be patient…my biggest problem is being willing to be patient at times. Hopefully, I can gain greater self-mastery for that. Sometimes it comes and goes. I am still working on it.


Well, have fun in the coming week. Enjoy the Summer Vacation, and the dry air. That is one thing that we are really lucky with in Utah, No Humidity! I took it for granted. Take care of yourselves, and continue to strengthen you testimonies.  Always strive to do the three basic things. Read the Scriptures (especially the Book of Mormon), pray daily, and go to church. With those three things, you can build everything else upon them.


Thanks for all that you do. I love you all very much.




Elder Savage

      Elder Colton Savage

     3158 N. 19th St.

     Terre Haute, IN  47804


Mission Home

    Indiana Indianapolis Mission

    1980 E 116th St STE 200

    Carmel, IN 46032